New York Transit Museum

Housed in a 1936 subway station, this museum features interactive exhibits like vintage trains.
(718) 694-1600website
99 Schermerhorn St, Brooklyn, NY 11201
What locals are saying . . .

Built inside a real (but decommissioned) 1936 subway stop, the New York Transit Museum is dedicated to the men and women who built and sustained the New York City public transportation system from its inception and through the last 100+ years of crises and natural disasters. Guests can step through antique turnstiles, explore hands-on exhibits explaining the energy sources for public transportation, and board and “drive” real buses and subway cars. The downstairs portion of the museum is filled with subway cars from throughout the decades, some over 100 years old, complete with popular ads from each era. I would be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy this part of the museum just as much as my daughter, skipping from car to car, chuckling over the now outdated ads, and imagining what life must have been like on these subway cars 100 years ago.

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New York Transit Museum

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New York Transit Museum

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