Ample Hills Creamery Gowanus

Factory, shop & roof deck by a Brooklyn ice cream maker, with 24 rotating flavors & other treats.
(347) 725-4061website
305 Nevins St, Brooklyn, NY 11215
What locals are saying . . .

A Brooklyn born creamery serving up delicious and creative flavors. The Gowanus shop has it's own unique, "It Came From Gowanus" flavor. It tells the story of an imagined movie monster emerging from the polluted canal. Full of deep, dark mystery and endless surprises, this flavor is a salty dark chocolate ice cream mixed with orange-scented brownies, hazelnut crack’d cookies and white chocolate pearls (an homage to the oysters tasked with cleaning up the waterway).

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Ample Hills Creamery Gowanus

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Ample Hills Creamery Gowanus

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