American Museum of Natural History

Museum showcasing everything from dinosaurs to outer space
(212) 769-5100website
Central Park West & 79th St, New York, NY 10024
What locals are saying . . .

TIP: Pay what you want to get in. Nestled on the Upper West Side of New York City, the Museum of Natural History offers an exploration into a variety of histories from all over the world. A casual walk through this museum will inspire you to learn more about astronomy, archaeology, Egyptian ruins, and the Mayan empire, among other things. This museum features recreated exhibits, interactive displays, and authentic artifacts representing different parts of history. Aside from learning more about the world from this visit, the experience is really casual; walk around freely, talk about what you see, and be yourself. It's a really family-friendly, open environment.

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American Museum of Natural History

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American Museum of Natural History

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